What do you think about open spaces, sport and recreation and facilities for young people?
There are lots of different types of open space, sport and recreation facilities that you might use: parks....skate parks....youth shelters....sports pitches....ball courts....informal grass areas
1) Please read each question carefully and click the box to answer the question. When you have finished click "submit"
About you
Q2 How old are you now:
Q3 Are you?
Q4 How many times do you play sport or games in a week?
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Q5 Please click TWO activities that you most enjoy doing: (Tick TWO options only)
Q6 Where do you normally meet / spend time with your friends: (Tick TWO options only)
Q7 Is there anything that stops you using open space, sport and recreation facilities more often? (You can tick more than one option)
Open spaces, sport and recreation facilities in your local area
Q8 Are there any open space, sport or recreation sites where you feel unsafe?
Q9 If you do feel unsafe what would make you feel safer? (You can tick more than one option)
Q10 Tick the sentence you most agree with about the amount of PARKS in your local area (only tick ONE box):

Q11 Tick the sentence you most agree with about the quality of PARKS in your local area (only tick ONE box):
Q12 Tick the sentence you most agree with about the amount of OUTDOOR sports facilities in your local area (only tick ONE box):

Q13 Tick the sentence you most agree with about the quality of OUTDOOR sports facilities in your local area (only tick ONE box):
Q14 Tick the sentence you most agree with about the amount of INFORMAL GRASS AREAS in your local area (only tick ONE box):

Q15 Tick the sentence you most agree with about the quality of INFORMAL GRASS AREAS in your local area (only tick ONE box):
Q16 Tick the sentence you most agree with about the amount of INDOOR sports facilities in your local area (only tick ONE box):

Q17 Tick the sentence you most agree with about the quality of INDOOR sports facilities in your local area (only tick ONE box):
Q18 Tick the sentence you most agree with about the amount of facilities for young people in your local area eg multi use games areas, skatepark (only tick ONE box):

Q19 Tick the sentence you most agree with about the quality of facilities for young people in your local area (only tick ONE box):
Q20 If you could make ONE improvement to open space, sport and recreation facilities what would it be? (only tick ONE box):
Q21 If you could have ONE new open space, sport or recreation facility in your local area what would it be? (only tick ONE box):
Your favourite open space, sport or recreation facility...
Q22 What is your favourite type of open space, sport or recreation facility? (Please tick one option)
Q24 How do you normally get there? (please tick one option)
Q25 What TWO things do you like MOST about this open space, sport or recreation facility? (Tick TWO options only)
Q26 What TWO things don't you like about this open space, sport or recreation facility? (Tick TWO options only)
Anything else?
Thank you
Please click on the 'submit' button below to return your questionnaire automatically